POP3/IMAP Email Setup Help For Securence Email Accounts


To get in-person help with setup or password resets, you can go to the source: Securence


The main help for setup should be with Securence, the provider that we have for email accounts:

If we have entered your cell phone number or alternate contact email in your email account, then they should be able to help you quickly with may types of issues or questions.

They are able to help talk through settings and items with email accounts, iphone settings, etc.  


For Securence Email Accounts


Securence POP/IMAP Email Account Settings

Username:   your full email address
Password:   your password

Incoming Mail Server:   mail.securence.com

Outgoing Mail Server:   mail.securence.com

* Outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication

* In many cases, you may need to try Outgoing server (SMTP) PORT of 587


Testing Your Account

The best way to test logging in to your email account is to use the online webmail location


Testing here allows you to enter your username (email address) and password and test those without any other computer or program-related issues in the mix.

ALSO, it is important to remember that this webmail location is a tool for you to use whenever you are traveling, away from  your personal computer, or need to log in and check your mail from some other location!


Setting Up Your Email Program


To set up your Securence email account within Microsoft Outlook, you can follow this step-by-step guide that we created in 2018. The version of Outlook may change, but these steps are the settings which need to be set for all versions of Outlook when dealing with a POP3 account


To help set up different email programs, the ever changing settings and versions of programs can make it difficult to keep one list which explains all of the steps. Most often, a Google search is the best resource for finding the specific steps needed for your version of program or phone in email setup steps.

Here are a few sets of instructions as starters for other email programs:

General Outlook settings:


General Apple Mac Mail settings:

General Apple iPhone email setup:

General Android email setup:


! Remove Mail From The Server !


IMPORTANT: You must set the delivery settings to "Remove from server after 14 days" or you may lower this number to 7 or fewer days. A lower setting of 2-3 days is better if you check your email from mobile devices often. A higher setting of 7-14 is helpful if you travel often, using different machines, devices and webmail to check your mail while away from your main machine.

If you do not make this setting, and choose to "leave all mail on the server" you will over time build up the amount of mail stored on the server to a point where your email program will no longer be able to successfully check mail. Symptoms of this problem are issues such as "receiving duplicate and triplicate copies of the same email message when checking email each time" or "checking email takes 5 or 6 minutes before it finishes and I only received two new messages"


Issues Sending Out Email But Receiving Works Fine


One issue that can occur with your internet provider is that they block outgoing mail on the “standard” email PORTS. (https://www.moorecreative.com/Articles/Detail/tabid/522/ArticleId/13/How-to-work-with-Outgoing-SMTP-Port-25-Blocking-with-Intermedia-Securence-Google-and-Other-Email-Pro.aspx)

In this situation, the symptoms are that your mail program can successfully receive mail, however, sending out mail fails or “never sends”. In this situation, you must go into the ADVANCED SETTINGS of your email program or settings for the Outbound Mail Server and set the PORT to a different number


Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) Port: 587

This port is used primarily within the United States. Other Port numbers are available for international locations.
