Dustin Moore
No relation... ok, just kidding there is a relation. Ryan is my older brother. Yes our company is rife with nepotism, but I really do deserve the job. I'm one heck of a coder.
As you might imagine I also grew up in Forest City, just like Ryan. We went to the same high school, both were in marching band, both love Quantum Leap & Japanese animation – but that's about where the similarities end. Ryan took all the artistic nature in the family, so I figured I would go into logic, namely computer logic. In 1996 I moved to the capital city: Raleigh, NC, to attend North Carolina State University where, in 2000, I earned a BS in Computer Engineering with a focus on software development.
Liking the area, I figured I'd stick it out in the triangle for a while and managed to land myself a job at Duke University, in the Office of Information Technology Help Desk (big, fancy name, short explanation. Four words: phone computer tech support, ugh). There I was touted highly for my computer knowledge and specifically my degree, I was the only person, out of more than a dozen people in my department who had gone to school for anything computer related. Seriously, don't get me started about Duke, unless you want to hear me gripe for over an hour in which case, go for it.
Once I had taken all I could of the torture doled out upon me by the Doctors, Nurses, Administrators, Faculty & Staff, Students and overly demanding Parents of Students at Duke, I took my leave. Then, after a time, I finally gave in to the idea of working for my brother. I'm so glad that I did because it has been and continues to be the most rewarding and gratifying job I've ever had. To actually use my degree, the fundamentals and specifics of what I learned is college, on a daily basis is a dream come true (my other option would have been to design micro-processors, and somehow that just doesn't sound as fun as building websites).
Anyhow, if its not too late to make a long story short: I joined the Moore Creative team, in late 2003, as lead web developer, freeing Ryan up to do more business management and client relations. I've recently stepped up to handling some client relations myself, freeing Ryan up to get back into doing real work like design and development.
I now live in Huntersville, NC, just down the road from our offices, so I'm the on-call / disaster-relief staff member. Anything that desperately needs to be done in the wee hours of the night and/or on weekends, I'm your man.